

The Benefits Of Getting A Right Domain- My Circle

When a person owes an existing business or he/she want to take their marketing online, he or she should have a strong online presence.

How a person can build a strong online presence??

Domain name helps you to make online presence better. It helps a website to go in a long run.


Easy To Remember

A good domain name should be easy to remember. It should not be too long through which it feels difficult to search your web. It should be short and sweet.

Length Of Domain Name

The length of domain should be short to remember. It should be between 5-10 letters. If it is too long, there might be a chance of misspelling it. 

(gTLDs) and (nTLDs)

Top level genetic domains (gTLDs) and New Top Level Domains (nTLDs) is the extension of domain names. (.com) is the most effective TLD. It is  recognizable and easy to remember. 

The most common list of domain extensions are 
  • .com
  • .org
  • .net
The new top level domains are released every week. This is very useful to create a domain name because it helps to reccognize your brand or industry. 

Improves Your Search Engine Ranking

A good domain will help in improving search engine ranking. It means that some customers will come across your site earlier in search process, making them more likely to engage with you.

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