

Top 5 Marketing Apps To Boost Your Website Traffic In 2020

Whenever you see a website marketer, he or she will be at the best to increase their website traffic. But the fact is that these website marketer have a lot of views through social media through which they receive social media goals.

How do you increase your social media traffic??

To make your work easier, here are the top 5 social media websites to increase your website traffic.

1. Facebook

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It is one of the biggest social media website to increase your traffic. More than 2 billion people use it every month. There are more than 70 million businesses using facebook page every month actively promoting their business on facebook, which makes them easier. There are many groups on facebook through which you can join to any of the group and post your website through which you can gain more and more traffic.

2. Twitter

Twitter launches Bookmarks, a private way to save tweets | TechCrunch

Twitter is one of the top social media sites which is better for entertainment, sports, politics and many more. Twitter has a strong emphasis on real time information, things that happens right now. Through the help of hashtag(#) you can tweet your website to gain more visitors.

3. Reddit 

Homepage - Reddit

Reddit is one of the good platform to get more website traffic. Over 330 million are using this website. This is also known as front page of the internet, in which the people are able to submit questions, links and many more. 

4. Linkedin 

What is LinkedIn? - Computer Business Review
Linkedin is a job search site. It has evolved into a professional social media website. This website is better for business and online marketing. This is a better website to increase the website traffic. Linkedin also offers advertising website to boost your content.

5. Medium

Medium – Get smarter about what matters to you.

Medium is one of the good platform which has a lot of social media content. Medium is a free tool to publish articles and you can read most f the articles. You can also post your blog on medium which is guarantee to increase your traffic. 

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