

Gargling With Salt Water: Whether It Will Help In Prevent Covid-19 ?

If you are active in social media you must be knowing about more and more updates about the coronavirus and more updates about the prevention.

According To WHO

Looking for new donors, improve quality of funding: WHO chief

It is known that gargling helps in the prevention of common cold, common virus and some of the other fever.

According to the WHO, there are no drugs that was found to prevent Covid-19. WHO could not proved that gargling have been very effective against covid but some of the research have been proved that gargling with warm water had some effect in covid 19 but gargling could not be proved as a proper drug against covid-19. 

Whether Gargling Is Safe

 Gargling is safe for everyone as it is made to clean the throat. The only ingredient you want is salt and warm water. It is safe for kids as it is natural ingredient. 

How Did The Salt Water Been Used Too Much In India

In India, most of the people are putting faith in it. In India, most of the health ministers and doctors are preferring to use gargling as some of the research in India is proved that it works against covid-19. It is said that gargling will clean our throat through which there might be a chances that it stops the virus in entering lungs.   

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